CLINITEST Manufacturing testing protocol two people

Are you providing a safe environment?

A COVID-19 self-testing protocol could help protect your colleagues and staff

Even as many have received the COVID-19 vaccination, testing for COVID-19 remains an important part of our collective journey. You need a viable testing protocol to protect both your employees and business to help stop the continued spread of the disease and ensure safety, peace of mind, and business continuity.

Testing needs to be fast, high-quality, reliable, and easy-to-use.

As communities and businesses work to get ahead of the spread of COVID-19, there are three things to consider as you implement rapid antigen testing in your safety protocol:

Quality Reliability - German

High-quality performance is paramount to ensuring employee safety. The CLINITEST Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test delivers high sensitivity and specificity to keep your employees safe and ensure business continuity.

  • 97.25% sensitivity (ability to identify a true positive result) to help identify employees with active COVID-19 infections
  • 100% specificity (ability to identify a true negative result) to help ensure employees who enter your facility are free of infection

Always use the test according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Tests can conveniently be purchased online and shipped directly to your facility so you can seamlessly incorporate testing into your process. Having the ability to test individuals with or without COVID-19 symptoms can help identify infectious individuals, reducing the chances of an outbreak and the exposure for your staff.


Tests must be an easy-to-use nasal swab that quickly produces accurate, reliable results. Some high-quality tests can produce results in just 15 minutes so you can identify if a staff member is currently infected by SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19).

CLINITEST Manufacturing testing protocol of woman in safety vest

The key to safety is reducing the likelihood of an infected person entering your facility and spreading the disease. Implementing a rapid test protocol with high-quality, reliable tests can provide information to make daily decisions safely and confidently.